Monday, August 26, 2013

Burns and Scars

Enough of the self-pitying...I gotta start fixing myself and my life. Never thought that a second-degree burn was all I needed to wake up from this depression mode. Sometimes, God really wakes His people in the most unfathomable way...and though I can't understand everything that's happening to me right now...I trust that He has everything under control and that He has better plans for me. 

So, to start my story...I had my monthly visitor last Friday and in dire attempt to stop the abdominal and pelvic pain on my second day (which was yesterday), I asked for a hot pack. I pressed my lower back on it to let the heat do its magic but apparently the hot pack had a crack on the left side so the pressure of my weight made the hot water inside squirt out. You can imagine what happened next. Right now, I am currently nursing three blisters...two of them already burst open and got infected while the other one didn't but is too painful and sensitive to touch. I was crying all day yesterday wallowing myself in self-pity. The last three months has been harsh to me...I've felt unwanted, insecure and all other negative things you can think of and then this will happen!!!! How's that as a climax for my unfortunate life story? Anyway, after some time...I had some self-realizations. One, I was lucky that the blisters were on my back - that could've been harder to manage if it was on my face. Second, it must be God's wake up call for me as I've been neglecting myself lately. Through this accident, I've come to realize my self-worth and that I should take care and learn to love myself again. Lastly, forgive...forgive people who have hurt me and forgive myself so that I can move on and be whole again. 

Moving on to my next problem...while some would say scars are tattoos with better stories...I definitely wouldn't like this burn to leave a scar on me :( I've searched the net for herbs and medicines that can help me make this wound heal faster and so far Manuka Honey has been delivering good results. The blisters are less itchy and painful whenever I'm using it. I started applying it on my wound because according to some researches abroad - "honey quickly clears up existing wound infections and protects against further infection, reduces swelling and minimizes scarring, removes infected and dead tissue, and speeds healing by stimulating new tissue growth." In fact, this special honey is now being used in various Hopitals across New Zealand and Australia especially for patients who suffered from burns and those who underwent surgery and amputations. I hope this will work for me too. **crossing fingers*** Meanwhile, I am also planning to buy Contractubex - an ointment usually prescribed by Doctors here in the Philippines, which promises to reduce scarring when applied three to four times a day on the problem area. I will definitely use this once my blisters have closed. To know more about this product you can visit this site.

As an alternative, I was also advised by a good friend to get a Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula Vit E Scar Serum to maximize positive results. In all honesty, the recessionista side of me doesn't want to spend too much on products that may not really work so if anyone has a better suggestion pls. do share it with me. I also read that some people use the oil directly from the Vit E capsule and apply it on their stretchmarks and scars but some researches say this isn't effective. Others claim rose hip oil, olive oil and aloe vera can work wonders I'm really confused about which one to get. Help me please :) Before I end this post, for those who might be interested, you can get Manuka Honey at Healthy Options; Contractubex at any drugstore and the Palmer's Scar Serum can be purchased at PCX.

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