Have you ever experienced looking at your College pictures and smirking at your old thin self??? I am guilty of that! When I was still a teenager, my metabolism was like that of a monster. Kidding aside! I can eat two burgers and a spaghetti meal in one sitting and still fit into my size 26 jeans. My weight was around 98 pounds then and that does not include the fact that I had PCOS (Polycystic Ovary syndrome), a disease which supposedly makes a woman fat. Fast forward to 2013, I had gained a lot of weight and the fats concentrated on my problem zones: the belly, the bust and my arms. :( I started becoming meatier when I took Diane 25, the contraceptive pill used to treat PCOS. I took it for more than 6 months and it made my bust size larger. My appetite also doubled and my cravings for fatty foods became uncontrollable. Aside from that, I was also working as a customer service representative which was on night shift..so yes, I also didn't have the time to exercise. Until one day...tadaaaa...all my clothes bade their goodbye to me. My self confidence was very low during those times. There were so many things happening...so many firsts..so many things to adjust to. Thus, little by little I succumbed to the unhealthy lifestyle I've grown accustomed to. Of course, I tried some fad diets in between (GM and Paleo Diet.) It'll make me lose 3-4 pounds in the process but I always end up binging and gaining all my weight back..sometimes even double of it.
Of all the diets I tried, I can say that Master Cleanse (the famous Beyonce diet) was the one that worked for me. My new job then, which was on day shift also helped me because I had more time to exercise and do extra currical activities which served as my diversion from eating. However, some unfortunate events happened. I had to resign, go to New Zealand and things didn't go well for me there. I returned home a few months back depressed, jobless and heavier. Now, I am trying my best to return to my Master Cleanse Diet but believe me when you are jobless - dieting is really hard because you don't have anything else to focus on. Hence, all you think about is food, food and food. LOL! My sleeping habit was also a disaster. I am now a certified insomniac and at night, when everybody is asleep, I go down for some midnight snack. Talk about zero percent self discipline! Anyway, I have now decided to end my journey to yo-yo dieting not just because I want to fit into my size 26 jeans again but because I want to be healthy. Scrap the idea that we should love and accept our body as it is. If you really love yourself, you should have a conscious effort to take care of it and that includes having a healthy lifestyle, exercising more and doing activities that will nurture your emotional and spiritual being. Am I right? :)
At present, I'm now on my day 5...though I cheated a bit yesterday teehee :) I finally found the diet that works for me. I started by removing carbohydrates on my diet (totally no rice, bread and pasta unless it's wheat) I make sure to eat small portions of vergetables and fruits whenever I am hungry. When the craving is insane, I eat white or lean meat. When I want sweets - I eat yogurt and lastly, I drink lots of water to keep me full and hydrated. I try to avoid colas as much as possible to avoid sugar and when I drink green tea, no sweeteners are added. I don't want to deprive myself of food right away. This is like, my preparation before I do Master Cleanse again. Once I lose about 7 pounds then I will start with the juice diet. Pls. wish me well. I really hope this time I won't fail. :) If you wan't to know more about Master Cleanse pls visit this site. You can buy the ingredients for this diet at any Healthy Options Store.
Moving on, I found this cool website. Ever heard of Nasty Gal? I love their clothes and best of all they offer free shipping worldwide. You can also change the currency based on which country you live in, so you'll see the price of each item in peso. How coollllliiioooo is that!!! Check their website out and let me know which items you are digging :)
Oh and before I end this post, let me share with you my ebay site. I sell branded clothes, shoes, bags etc. here for a reasonable price. Below are some of the items up for grabs. Enjoy shopping :)
Peacock's London Leather Jacket |
Forever 21 Dress |
Chloe Bag |
Chinese Laundry Bag |
Topshop Moto Jeans |
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